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Instant Answers

Our instant answers come from a variety of sources, including Google Custom Search, DuckDuckGo, Wikipedia, CrunchBase, GitHub, WikiHow, The Free Dictionary – over 100 in total. You can prevent automatically opening Instant Answers from the Web Search Settings page.
ASCII Codes - ascii codes, Ascii Table
Aspect ratio - aspect ratio 4:3 640:?
Base Conversion - 255 in hex, 128 in base 16, 28 in binary
Base64 encode/decode - base64 Encode, base64 decode, base64 Online
Base64 encode - base64 Encode Hello
Base64 Decode - base64 Decode aGVsbG8=
Beer, Wine & Spirits - Something similar to Don Julio 1942
Braille Translation - Hello In Braille, Huli In Braille
C++ Boost - cpp boost uBLAS
C++ Reference Docs - cpp array cend
Calculator - Calculator, 28 + 2
Color Codes - Color Codes
Cognitive Science - Early STEM Education Impact
Computer Graphics - How to handle quads?
CSS Animations - CSS Animations
CSS Named Colors - CSS Colors, CSS Named Colors
Currency Rates - euro to dollars, gbp to eur
Database Administrators - comfortable sqlplus interface
Dictionary Definition - define love, definition of dictionary
Electrical Engineering - Is C++ suitable for embedded systems
Emoticon - :), emoticon :), :D, (y)
Flash version - flash version
Flight Details - flight AA102, flight UA237
Flip a coin - flip a coin, heads or tails
Gardening & Landscaping - Light Green Grass patches?
Genealogy & Family History - Including Names That Changed in Online Trees
Graphic Design - gimp 1pixel paint
GUID - guid, create uuid
Hardware Recommendations - Best CPU out of these for Image Processing
History of Science and Mathematics - Who created the first vacuum tube?
HTML Entities - HTML Entities, HTML Chars
Is Up or Down - is huli up, is twitter down
Leet Speak - leetspeak hello world
Lowercase - lowercase Huli
Members of a Band - Beatles Members, Oasis Members
Music: Practice & Theory - What does it take to make metal music?
My IP - what is my ip
Phonetic - phonetic hello huli
Pi - pi, π, pi 10, π 28
Playing cards - deal 5 cards
Portuguese Language - Obrigado, viu? What's "viu"?
Programming Puzzles & Code Golf - Most Creative Way To Display 42
Reverse Engineering - Decompressing a .replay file
Rgb to Hex - RGB to HEX, #1473f1
Screen Resolution - screen resolution
Solar Sstem - mass of earth, radius of moon
Stop Watch - Stopwatch, Countdown
Timer - Timer, Clock Timer
Theoretical Computer - DFA intersection
Uppercase - uppercase huli
Video Production - crop video with ffmpeg
Weather - Weather, Weather London